Exam Registration for Wisdom of the Whole Certification

We are honored to have you with us as you continue your coaching journey to professional coaching certification! Please read through this page and complete the form below to register for the Wisdom of the Whole Certification Exam. 

Logistics, Evaluation, & Results

The certification exam involves two components:
1. A multiple choice exam consisting of 50 multiple choice questions total (43 questions in Section 1, 7 questions in Section 2).
2. The submission of one 30-minute recorded coaching session (audio only) for review by Wisdom of the Whole assessors.

Both components will assess your knowledge and skills based on the Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy curriculum.

Results for both the multiple choice exam and recorded coaching session are emailed to you approximately four to six weeks after completing both the multiple choice exam and submitting your recorded coaching session.

Logistics of the Exam

  • The test can be taken at a time that works for you within 2 weeks of your registration (or receipt of access to Moodle).
  • The 2-part multiple choice exam consists of 43 questions and 7 questions and must be completed within 60 minutes (45 minutes for Section 1, and 15 minutes for Section 2).
  • The exam is "closed book", meaning you will not be allowed to refer to the textbook or other course material.
  • An internet connection is required.
  • A computer or laptop is required.
  • A quiet space where you will not be interrupted is required.
  • A space free from other books or writing materials is required.

Logistics of the Recording

Once you gain access to Moodle, you are required to upload one recorded coaching session (audio only) that is 30 minutes in length (please refer to our Wisdom of the Whole Guidebook for supported file types that Moodle allows). You must declare the recorded session is your own work, authentic, and that you have ensured confidentiality and specific permission for use for the certification exam with your volunteer client. Recorded coaching sessions eligible for submission must have taken place within the last six months from the time of submission. Please listen to your recorded coaching session before submission to ensure all portions of the recording are clear and audible. Poor sound quality will delay your exam results and may require you to re-submit a new recorded coaching session. *Note: Recorded coaching sessions that involve a family member as your client are not allowed.

Passing the Multiple Choice Exam & Recording

You must pass BOTH portions of the exam to obtain your Wisdom of the Whole Certified Coach designation.

  • To pass the multiple choice exam, you must obtain a score of 70% or higher.
  • To pass the recorded coaching session portion of the certification exam, you must achieve an average score of 70% or higher after scores are tallied by your assessors.

You may re-take the multiple choice exam for a $95 fee. We advise a minimum six week time period between subsequent exam attempts.

You may submit a second recorded coaching session for a $185 fee, if you do not pass with the first recording.

Email certification@wisdomofthewhole.com for further information.

Honor Code Agreements & Payment

“I certify my answers are my own work, I have not obtained unauthorized assistance, and I will not provide unauthorized assistance to others for the purposes of completing the Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy Certification Exam.”

“I certify the recorded coaching session I submit for review is my own work, has taken place within the last six months, is authentic, and I have obtained permission of use with my volunteer client. I have also kept my client’s identity confidential.”

Fill in the form and submit your payment. Submitting payment acknowledges that you have read and agree to the Honor Code.

Certification Exam Fee 345.00


The Wisdom of the Whole Certified Coach (WWCC) professional designation has no expiry date as of January 2024. You may continue to utilize your Wisdom of the Whole Certified Coach (WWCC) professional credential as long as you feel you have sufficiently maintained your skills as a holistic and integral coach.

We encourage you to maintain a high standard of your coaching, and to stay current with best practices in coaching. We strongly recommend continued education courses that meet ICF or NBHWC standards (including Wisdom of the Whole Specialty Courses) while using the WWCC Credential.
