The Wisdom of the Whole® coach training program content is based on 50 years of combined experience in nursing, leadership, management, organizational development, and exposure to a variety of cultures and modalities. It is a sophisticated combination of practical skills and best practices that work.
This coach training will put you on the cutting edge in two ways:
1. It will impact your planning and thinking at any level of management and leadership from the senior level to the unit and team level. When looking at strategy, our integral model helps you look at the whole picture and move from duality (either/or) thinking to inclusion (both/and). Thus, it prevents having to reevaluate, change, regroup, rethink, and head in a new direction repeatedly as you will have more broadly assessed and planned, saving you time and money.
Brilliant leaders excel at integrative thinking and an integrative coaching model takes them to that new level by helping them:
• Hold opposing ideas in their mind at once
• Resist simplicity
• Embrace messiness and complexity
• Ask powerful questions that elicit new approaches
• Look beyond obvious considerations
• See a problem from its whole
• Listen carefully to what is going on
• See what is working and celebrate success
2. It will impact your relationships, both horizontally and vertically. This coaching model comes from a learning approach and is based on mutual respect, non-judgment, seeing the other as competent and skilled. As a foundation, this approach effectively enrolls and engages staff.
After analysis of a survey of 80,000 managers conducted by the Gallup Organization, Marcus Buckingham, a leadership/management consultant, states he found one quality that truly sets great managers apart from the rest–they see the whole person and discover what is unique about that person and capitalize on it. This is the essence of the integral coaching model. Skillful coaching interaction helps recruit better and builds job satisfaction, increases retention and builds a healthier culture.
“Think Different.” “…the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” Steve Jobs