Exceed Certification Requirements

We promise our coach training program will meet the training requirements for major coach certifications.

If you would like to learn our unique integral coaching tools, sign up for our Advanced Tools course which will give you over 15 tools to enhance your skills. Click here for more information.

You can also choose any of our Specialty Courses to refresh and upgrade your coaching skills in a supportive learning environment. Click here for more information.

The Wisdom of the Whole coach training program, in its entirety, is approved for the required Contact Hours of Coach Training toward all levels of ICF Coach Certification (ACC, PCC, MCC).

Wisdom of the Whole coach training is approved for the required Contact Hours hours that can be applied towards Nurse Coach Certification (NC-BC), Holistic Nurse Certification (HN-BC), or Health and Wellness Nurse Coach Certification (HWNC-BC).

The Wisdom of the Whole coaching program is a National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) Approved Training program (ATP). The required instructional hours can be applied toward the NBHWC Board Exam for eligible applicants to obtain the National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) designation.

We currently have a Wisdom of the Whole certification pathway for our graduates. The certification is not part of the 30-hour or 60-hour program. After completion of either 30 hours of our new Wisdom of the Whole coach training, or 60 hours of our previous coach training program, graduates can apply to become a Wisdom of the Whole Certified Coach. The certification pathway will involve a knowledge and skills assessment.

The Wisdom of the Whole coach training program is approved for a total of 60 hours of ICF Continuing Coach Education.

The Wisdom of the Whole coach training qualifies for the required Contact Hours that can be applied towards Holistic Nurse Certification or continuing education.

For more courses offering continuing education, please see our Specialty Courses page.

We have many options to level up your skills. Choose from our Advanced Tools course or one of our many Specialty courses.

Besides the many Specialty courses, you can also attend a Practicum to support your skills in a supportive learning environment.

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